Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hananuka Days 1-3

 It started.
I thought that this year it wasn't going to happen. 
Not to be Poo-pooey about it...I just figured that we would skip it.
So, when I woke up on Sunday morning to this...
I will admit, I cried. A lot. There was some good hardy snot crying going on.
It was very sweet of my Dad to join in on the fun since he was here for Gavin's baptism.
He may have been a little afraid of my horrible sobbing...but I think in some odd way he was happy about it too. 
I suppose I should have known better.
Blake is so good at this, it would almost be a travesty if he stopped.
You can't stop perfection.
And truly that is what Hananuka is to me. 
To have someone that thinks that much about you, and puts so much time into making something great...just for you.
It is very touching.
So I am glad that my Dad got to participate...at least for one day with the...er...touching?


  1. That happy time of year again!! So much fun.

  2. Your dad...I sure do love him...that is a wonderful story and gift!
    Happy Hananuka!
