Monday, June 10, 2013

My Least Favorite Things

That sounds very Un-Maria Von Trapp of me.
I know that it is something everyone goes through. 
I know that it happened to me..and I was probably excited about it.
I try to act like it is fun...
I don't fool my kids one iota. 
They know it grosses me out and they think it is funny. 
"Look at my loose tooth mom!"
Cue gagging.
Not only are they loosing teeth, but they seem to be doing it in mass numbers. If I didn't know better I would think they were knocking them out for funsies.
Knocking teeth out wouldn't be the only thing considered fun at our house. 
Sometimes lathering yourself in soap is pretty cool too.
That is until it gets in your eyes....
and mom starts taking a picture of you....
Then she has to hose you down...
At that point when the burn of the soap remains...
Mom calls that poetic justice. 

1 comment:

  1. How did you ever pull your own teeth?! My kids have been losing teeth all over the place here too. The tooth fairy is gonna be broke...if she remembers to visit!
