Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Pathetic Really

I would like to blame it on life. I need a scape goat. The truth of the matter is, with doing the house that has taken up just about all of my energy....well...that and life. Once I got behind it seemed harder and harder to try to catch up. I started the house blog thinking that if I could compartmentalize that part of our life then talking about all of the other things would be easier. It probably would be if I just worked on it. So I am going to...work on it. Most of my pictures these days are from my phone. They are not professional or fancy but my phone is there, always. So it gets the little bits about our life that we would otherwise miss. Also, it seems the best route to talk about us all individually, so that we can go over what has happened since September.
Cramming 4 months in to a couple of posts? My idea of fun. 

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