Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Summer Summarized

This summer mostly revolved around the new house and moving.
There was a lot of down time for the kids, that didn't involve a whole lot of anything. But we did get a few things in here and there. 
We went on hikes.
We climbed rocks.
We pet imaginary dogs.
We ran.
We were happy to play, then mad that it involved being away from Mom.
We were half a Spiderman.
Half a butterfly.
We had a hand "death grip" our heads, 
All in the name of pretty painted faces.

We watched Star Wars in our friends backyard, while Mom read a book.
(you would figure that at some point I would actually watch Star Wars, but I am still firm. I am too old to give in now.)
Penny potty trained herself.
Gavin went to Scout Camp and came home filthy...
and with a light saber. Makes sense.
We got scratches. 
Lots of them.
Some scratches ended in Mom playing doctor.
We got dirty.
We played with friends.
We got new hats and glasses.
Then proceeded to wear them EVERYWHERE.
We enjoyed the sun going down. 
We made a fort in the bathroom. 
Mostly because it is clean and practical.
We saw a 3D movie at the Planetarium about butterflies.
The glasses were entertaining. 
The movie was evidently "boring."

We "saved" a bird that Mozzy had caught. 
The bird was eventually put in the bushes to
--according to me--
"go back to its family"
Translation: Die.

We replaced the dead birds with balloon ones 
and then made fun of them.
We expressed our individuality via clothing choices.
We spied. In a completely non creepy way.
We swung.
Some of us higher then others.
We were happy.
Well...most of the time.
Mostly, we were happy for the change to the new house.
We were ready for the jump.

Want to follow our house progress?
You can find our new blog here: paintcanfixit.blogspot.com


  1. Sounds like a perfect summer to me! love you all!


  2. Looks like tons of summer fun! And I am so excited about your house blog! Can't wait to see it progressively change! Good luck!
