Monday, April 1, 2013

Out Like A Lion

I feel really old when I say the days seem to be flying by.
Pretty soon I will be pushing my walker with tennis balls on the front talking about the "good old days" when we used to have Easter Parties.
Who am I kidding? We are doing this till we die. 
This year the Easter Party was on the chopping block.
We weren't really sure if we wanted to keep doing it.
It normally takes up a lot of residence in my I didn't feel like I could spare.
But then, this year I decided to have a relaxed approach.
As relaxed as you can get when you blow out 150 eggs.
The theme this year was Alice in Wonderland.
We did a nacho bar.
Easy peasy.

Getting our friends together for any reason is bound to be fun.
It is especially entertaining when you throw stuff in the grass and make them hunt for it.
Then you add watching kids and hunting for prizes...challenge accepted.
We let them find real eggs and plastic.
It can be confusing.
And devastating when the plastic eggs taste like...well...plastic.
But we just sit back and smile... 
while they go "Thunder dome" on each other.
Then I am reminded each year:
back yard that has a lot of crap in it is a great place to hide stuff. 
Safety is always our first priority. 
You can thank us for that later.
After you find your way out of the overgrown bushes....
only to find a "kid" egg. 
Also...for future reference...
When we say that the prize for the Egg Toss is pretty awesome...
We mean it is SO awesome we can't wait for you to take it home.